Call for Papers: PluriTAV International Conference. Multilingualism, Translation and Language Teaching. 24-25 de octubre de 2019, Universitat de València

The Intercultural Communication and Translation (CiTrans) group is organising the PluriTAV International Conference. Multilingualism, Translation and Language Teaching, which will be held at the Universitat de València, 24-25 October 2019. In an increasingly globalized and multicultural society, the occurrence of multilingual situations in our daily lives, work and academic environments is a reality that requires the honing of multilingual skills. Approaches to language teaching and learning will continue to draw from interdisciplinary perspectives to improve both the acquisition of foreign languages and the development of one’s own language. In this line of thinking, this conference seeks out to investigate new theoretical approaches and tools that will allow the expansion and improvement of linguistic knowledge. Educational systems around the globe continue to grapple with the question of how to go about fostering foreign-language skills. The trend toward greater globalization, the importance of the English language in the international arena and the value placed on the knowledge of foreign language skills in the labour market contrast sharply with the limited number of individuals with the relevant language skills. Against this backdrop, the challenge rises to provide people with the necessary means to learn foreign languages and improve their communication skills, in order to compete successfully in current world markets and make the most of the available opportunities for professional advancement. To share new perspectives and develop novel methodologies, greater emphasis should be placed on interdisciplinary approaches to the teaching and learning of foreign languages, within which translation can play a decisive role in testing innovative strategies and tools that could allow us to teach, learn and instil multilingual competencies in a more holistic manner, with ever-increasing efficiency.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Translation and language teaching
  • Developing linguistic competence and translation skills
  • Translation competence versus linguistic competence
  • Developing plurilingual competencies via translation
  • Multilingualism, teacher education and professional development
  • Multiple language acquisition and learning
  • Multilingual education and bi-/multiculturalism
  • Multilingual language policies
  • Multilingualism and digital media
  • Multilingual issues in literature and translation
  • Audiovisual translation training for language learning: curricula, new profiles,
    didactics and skills
  • Audiovisual translation and language learning: open educational resources
    and practices
  • Translanguaging
  • Mobile assisted language learning
  • Digital multiliteracies / Literacy in multiple languages (pluriliteracy)
  • Trans/multilingual language use in different contexts
  • Intercultural and globalisation issues related to multilingualism
  • Localization practices and language acquisition
  • Virtual reality and gamification in language learning

Plenary Speakers

Maria González Davies (Universitat Ramon Llull)

Conference Presentation Types

  • Paper presentations (20 minutes + 10 minutes for discussion)
  • Roundtable sessions (60 minutes)

Presentation of Abstracts

We invite submission of proposals by 28 February 2019.

  • For paper presentations: Abstract (350/400 words + references).
  • For roundtable sessions: We welcome proposals for roundtables of three / four speakers. Panellists will give a short introductory statement of 5-10 minutes and the rest of the session will consist of discussion and debate. To submit a proposal for a roundtable, please send a 500-600 word abstract of the roundtable topic, plus details of the roundtable organiser, chair (if different from the organiser), and participants.

In all cases, please include titles, names, and institutional affiliations as you would like them to appear on the conference programme.
The official languages of the conference are English, Spanish and Catalan. Interpretation services will not be available.
Abstracts should be submitted via the conference website (please see below).
Abstracts will be reviewed by the conference scientific committee.


Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació.
Universitat de València. Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 32, 46010, Valencia, Spain.


Registration to take part in the conference will run from 1st June to 15th September 2019.

Important Dates

  • Submission of abstracts: deadline 7th April.
  • Notification of acceptance: 10th May.
  • Registrations will be accepted up to 15th September.

Conference Coordinator

Juan José Martínez Sierra (Universitat de València – CiTrans)

Organising Committee

Beatriz Cerezo Merchán (Universitat de València – CiTrans)
Diana González Pastor (Universitat de València)
Anna Marzà Ibàñez (Universitat Jaume I – TRAMA)
Beatriz Reverter Oliver (Universitat de València – CiTrans)
Betlem Soler Pardo (Universitat de València – CiTrans)
Gloria Torralba Miralles (Universitat Jaume I – TRAMA)
Arturo Vázquez Rodríguez (Universitat de València – CiTrans)
Gora Zaragoza Ninet (Universitat de València – CiTrans)
