El grupo de investigación Comunicación Intercultural y Traducción (CiTrans) nace con el firme propósito de fomentar la investigación en dos ámbitos tan apasionantes como relacionados. Por un lado, la comunicación intercultural, un campo en plena expansión que consiste, básicamente, en el estudio de las interacciones entre individuos de diferentes culturas, hablen o no la misma lengua. Teniendo en cuenta el proceso de socialización al que los miembros de cada cultura en cuestión han sido sometidos, resulta del todo relevante analizar las interacciones que entre ellos puedan darse, así como los posibles problemas de comunicación derivados de sus distintos bagajes culturales. En segundo lugar, partiendo de la idea de que la traducción no se produce entre lenguas sino entre culturas, podemos entenderla, en cualquiera de sus variedades (escrita, oral y audiovisual), como un ejercicio de comunicación intercultural en el que confluyen dos situaciones: por una parte, la de la producción del texto origen en una situación comunicativa origen y, por otra, la de la producción del texto meta en una situación comunicativa meta. Así, la actividad traductora es un claro exponente de interacción entre culturas, y su estudio unido al de las cuestiones relativas a la comunicación intercultural es absolutamente necesario y relevante, además de justificado. Tengamos en cuenta, asimismo, que tanto en ambos casos por separado como en el puente que entre ellos podemos tender, y al igual que ocurre con otros campos de estudio académico, éstos son susceptibles de ser abordados desde diferentes disciplinas, entre las que podemos incluir la filosofía, la antropología, la etnología, los estudios culturales, la psicología, la comunicación, la lingüística o la pragmática, por citar algunos. Se trata, por tanto, de un grupo de investigación que se funda con un espíritu marcadamente interdisciplinario y que pretende hacer del rigor investigador su seña de identidad.
Dr Juan José Martínez Sierra works as a Full Professor in the Department of English and German Studies at the Universitat de València, where he teaches Written and Audiovisual Translation, Intercultural Communication, and English Language (undergraduate and graduate). In addition to a doctorate in Translation Studies (UJI, 2004), he holds a degree in English Language and Culture (UJI, 1995) and an MA in Intercultural Communication (University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA, 2001). He is specialized in Audiovisual Translation, a field to which he devotes both part of his teaching work and his research activity, which has mainly been focused on the study of audiovisual translation from an intercultural perspective. To date, this activity has been generously fruitful in the form of lectures, seminars, invited talks and papers at conferences, both national and international. Besides, he has published numerous works, including several books and book chapters, reviews, and many other pieces of research in the form of articles in prestigious scientific journals. He coordinates CiTrans, and also collaborates with the research groups SILVA (Universitat de València) and TRAMA (Universitat Jaume I).
Research Lines
Audiovisual Translation Translation of Humour Intercultural Communication Descriptive Translation Studies
She is an Associate Professor at the Department of English at the University of Valencia. For the past few years she has been working on the translation of 20th century British women novelists into Spanish, having published works such as: Censuradas, Criticadas, Olvidadas: las novelistas inglesas del siglo XX y su traducción al castellano (Servei de Publicaciones de la Universitat de València, 2008), Preserving Femininity in Translation: a strategy-based comprative analysis of Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse in French (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010), “Winifred Holtby, la lucha de una mujer singular” (Quaderns de Filologia, 2012). She has also translated, introduced and annotated a collection of short stories by writer Winifred Holtby who was censored during the Spanish dictatorship: Remember, Remember (El Nadir, 2011). Some of her last conferences include: ‘Women and literature, translation and cinema: a triple discrimination. The case of Daphne du Maurier’ at the AEDEAN 37th International Conference, ‘Translation, Gender and Genre: The Translation of 20th Century English Women Novelists into Spanish’ at the Version, Subversion: translation, the canon and its discontents International Conference in Porto. She has also been a visiting researcher at Lancaster University with the Gender and Language Research Group, at The University of California-Davis to work on Literature, Cinema and Translation as well as at The University of California-Berkeley.
Research Lines
Gender and Translation Translation and Censorship Translation and Ideology Translation and Power

Beatriz Cerezo Merchan holds a BA in Translation and Interpreting from the Universidad de Granada (2006) and a PhD in Translation and Interpreting from the Universitat Jaume I (2012).
At present she is a lecturer of Translation and English Language in the Department of English and German Philology at the Universitat de València. From 2010 to 2014 she worked as a full-time research and teaching fellow of the Spanish Ministry of Education in the Translation and Communication Department at the Universitat Jaume I. During the academic year 2009/2010, she also worked as a lecturer in the Translation and Interpreting Department at the Universidad de Granada.
In 2013 she won the Young Scholar Prize of the European Society for Translation Studies (EST) for the best doctoral thesis in the area of Translation and Interpreting for her work La didáctica de la traducción audiovisual en España: Un estudio de caso empírico-descriptivo (The Didactics of Audiovisual Translation in Spain: An Empirical and Descriptive Case Study) (2012). Her main areas of research are audiovisual translation and the didactics of translation.
Research Lines
Descriptive studies in audiovisual translation Experimental studies in audiovisual translation The didactics of audiovisual translation Accessibility and audiovisual translationAudiovisual translation as a tool in foreign language acquisition

Mabel Richart-Marset es profesora de la Universitat de València donde imparte clases de Interpretación de conferencias en el grado de Traducción y Mediación Interlingüística. Participa en el Máster universitario en Traducción Creativa y Humanística de la UV, donde imparte clases de cine y literatura. Asimismo, es coordinadora del área de Traducción e Interpretación del Departamento de Teoria dels Llenguatges i Ciències de la Comunicació, y profesora invitada en distintas universidades estadounidenses donde imparte seminarios sobre cine y traducción. Doctora en Comunicación Audiovisual, es autora de cinco libros y numerosos artículos sobre estudios fílmicos, traducción audiovisual, interpretación de conferencias y análisis del discurso. Asimismo, ha impartido varias conferencias invitadas en distintas universidades nacionales y extranjeras, entre ellas: La Angustia ante la traducción de las UFS (Universidad de Veracruz, México), Manipulación y reescritura en la traducción para el doblaje (Universitat Jaume I), Teoría de la traducción y práctica del doblaje (Universitat de Vic) y De pantuflas y pianos: la Tristana de Luis Buñuel. Claves de una traducción intersemiótica (Universidad de Virginia). Entre sus libros destacan La alegría de transformar: teorías de la traducción y teoría del doblaje (Tirant lo Blanch 2009), Fraseología y traducción: una semiótica difusa (Puv 2010) e Ideología y Traducción. Por un análisis genético del doblaje (Biblioteca Nueva 2012).
Research Lines
Traducción audiovisual e ideología Literatura y cine (análisis ideologemático de la traducción intersemiótica) Didáctica de la interpretación de conferencias Traducción y géneroTraducción y Literatura comparada

María López Rubio holds a BA in Translation and Interpreting from the Universitat Jaume I (Castelló, 2017) and a Master’s Degree in Medical Translation from Universitat Jaume I (2018).
During her BA studies, she got a collaboration grant in the audiovisual translation research group TRAMA, led by professor Frederic Chaume Varela. She was awarded the National End of Degree Awards in University Education (2016-2017) by the Spanish Ministry of Education, the final-year prize (2017) by Universitat Jaume I, the extraordinary prize ‘Capitania General de València’ (2017) for the best academic records, and the prize Ernest Breva (2013-2017), by Universitat Jaume I, for her academic career. She has participated as a speaker in conferences such as SELM (on modern languages), IALIC (International Association for Languages & Intercultural Communication), and PluriTAV International Conference.
She is currently enrolled in the Doctoral Programme in Language, Literature and Culture and its Applications at Universitat de València, where she is writing her PhD thesis, directed by professors Beatriz Cerezo Merchán and Juan José Martínez Sierra. Thanks to a predoctoral research grant, she is working as a full-time research and teaching fellow in the Department of English and German Philology at Universitat de València.
Her main research lines are audiovisual translation and medical translation.
Research Lines
Audiovisual Translation Accessibility and the Media Intercultural Mediation Medical Translation

Noemí Barrera Rioja holds a BA in Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation from the University of Valencia (2019) and an MA in Translating for Business and International Institutions from Aston University (Birmingham, UK, 2020). During her undergraduate work placement and while studying her postgraduate degree, she worked as a Spanish teacher at Aston University’s School of Languages and Social Sciences (2019-20).
She received the prize Premio Extraordinario de Grado (2020), awarded by the University of Valencia to the two highest-achieving students in the BA programme, the Translation People Company Prize (2021) for the highest-achieving student in the MA programme, and the Translation Dissertation Prize (2021) for the best dissertation written in the field of Translation during the academic year 2019/0, both awarded by Aston University. She also gained Aston University’s Global Excellence Scholarship (2019).
Supervised by Dr Juan José Martínez Sierra and Dr Diana González Pastor, she is currently writing her doctoral thesis as part of the PhD programme in Language, Literature, Culture, and its Applications at the University of Valencia. Her research revolves mainly around audiovisual translation, the translation of humour and media accessibility.
Research Lines
Audiovisual translation The translation of humour Media accessibility

Enrique Cerezo Herrero holds a PhD in Translation and Interpreting from the Universitat de València with a thesis on English language teaching for translator and interpreter trainees. He holds a BA in Translation and Interpreting (English) and a Master’s Degree in Creative and Humanistic Translation (English) from the same university. He is currently a lecturer and researcher in the Department of English and German Philology at the Universitat de València, where he teaches English language and linguistics and translation.
In the research field, he has participated in numerous international conferences and has several publications on methodology in foreign language teaching (English), translation, plurilingual education and CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). She has also been principal researcher in a regional research project and another funded by the Santander Bank Foundation and the San Pablo University Foundation on plurilingual education in the Valencian Community.
Research Lines
Linguistic training of translators and interpreters Teaching of translation Evaluation of plurilingual programs Analysis, development and design of CLIL materials

Andrea Artusi, PhD, is a Lecturer in English Philology and Translation at the Universitat de València (Spain). He holds a BA in Translation and Interpreting and a PhD in Translation Studies from the Universitat de València. His main areas of research are Contrastive Linguistics & Translation, Lexicography and Machine Translation. He has been a member of research projects and teaching innovation projects on Machine Translation, Lexicography and Translation Teaching. His most recent works focus on the translation of phrasal verbs in several language combinations. He also boasts many years of professional experience in the Translation field.
Research Lines
Contrastive linguistics & Translation Lexicology Machine translation

Sara Llopis Mestre graduated in Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation at the Universitat de València (2018), receiving the Premio Extraordinario de Grado. At the same university, she also studied a Master’s Degree in Creative and Humanistic Translation (2019), specialising in Literary Translation. Currently, thanks to a pre-doctoral contract, she works full-time as a teaching and research fellow in the Department of English and German Philology at the Universitat de València and is enrolled in the PhD programme in Language, Literature, Culture and their Applications at the Universitat de València. She is pursuing her research on the translation and censorship of lesbian-themed English literature in Spain during the Franco dictatorship and up to the present day. She is currently publishing on the cases of censorship of numerous lesbian authors such as Rubyfruit Jungle (1973) by Rita Mae Brown (Zaragoza & Llopis, 2020) and The Unlit Lamp (1924) by Radclyffe Hall in its Spanish translation (Llopis and Zaragoza, 2021), Two Serious Ladies (1943) by Jane Bowles or Spring Fire (1952) by Marijane Meaker, among others. Her latest papers include: ‘A story of invisibilization: an analysis of the impact of Francoist censorship on translated sapphic literature’ at the III Jornades de Formació i Recerca LGTBI+ (2023) and ‘Lesbofobia franquista: Marijane Meaker y los best sellers prohibidos’ at the Congreso Internacional de Literatura y Franquismo (2023).
Research Lines
Translation and queer studies Translation and censorship Gender and translationLesbian literature

Betlem Soler Pardo received her doctorate in 2011 from the Department of English at the University of Valencia where she currently lectures in the Faculty of Education. The primary subject of her research is translation studies –especially dubbing and subtitling– and topics related to education and children’s literature. In 2001, she received an MA in Sociolinguistics from Queen Mary and Westfield, University of London and held the position of Faculty Language Instructor at the University of Oxford from 2003 to 2006. She has spoken at numerous international conferences and written a number of articles on the interrelation of the aforementioned disciplines. She has recently co-edited Thinking through Children’s Literature in the Classroom (Cambridge Scholars, 2014), with Agustín Reyes and Luis Villacañas.
Research Lines
Audiovisual Translation(dubbing and subtitling) Foreign Language Didactics Children’s literature

Nuria Sanmartín Ricart was born in Quart de Poblet, Valencia, she has a degree in Translation an Interpreting from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona and a European Master in Audiovisual Translation from the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona. She is a sworn translator of the German language and has worked as a lecturer in the University of Valencia and in the European University of Valencia. She now works as a lecturer in the Master’s Degree in Creative and Humanistic Translation of the Universitat de València.
In year 2000, together with two other translators, she established her first translation agency in Barcelona, In Other Words, a company specialized in technical translation and software localization. In year 2009, she established Interpunct Translations in Valencia, a company specialized in audiovisual translation, accessibility to visual media (subtitling for the hearing-impaired and audio description) and training for translators. She combines her work as a teacher with translation work, and is currently writing her PhD on the translation of music in subtitling for the hearing-impaired.
Research Lines
Translation of music in subtitling for the hearing-impairedRespeaking

Beatriz Reverter Oliver holds a degree in Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation from the Universitat de València (2013), for which she was awarded with the Academic Excellence recognition. During the last year of her degree, she wrote a Degree Final Dissertation focused on the analysis of the translation of the cultural references in the dubbed version of the series The Simpsons. After obtaining her degree, she completed a Master’s Degree in Creative and Humanistic Translation (2015), for which she received the Master’s Extraordinary Award. At present, she is completing the Master’s degree in Secondary Education Teaching and is enrolled in the Doctoral Program in Language, Literature, Culture and its Applications at the Universitat de València.
Her lines of research focus mainly on the application of audiovisual translation as a tool for teaching second languages and foreign languages, the translation for accessibility and the translation of cultural references.
Líneas de investigación
Audiovisual translation in the didactics of foreign languages and second languages Translation and accessibility Translation of cultural references

José Fernando Carrero Martín holds a degree in Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation (2016) and a Master’s Degree in Creative and Humanistic Translation (2017), both from the Universitat de València. He is currently enrolled in the Doctoral Program in Languages, Literatures, Cultures and their Applications.
During his university years, he was a member of the Asociación Española Universitaria de Traductores e Intérpretes en Formación (AETI), being a representative of the Association in the university from 2013 to 2018. He has also been part of AETI’s board during the academic years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017, first as treasurer and later as president. Being a member of this association, he has organized and co-organized various activities and conferences both at the Universitat de València and other universities. Moreover, in the year 2016 he was the head of organization of the XIII Encuentro Nacional de Estudiantes de Traducción e Interpretación (ENETI).
Professionally, he has worked as a freelance translator and interpreter since 2016, with experience in the fields of technical and marketing translation, localization and consecutive and escort interpretation.
His lines of research focus on descriptive translation studies, the origins and characteristics of Neutral Spanish in dubbing and the analysis of translation techniques.
Research Lines
Descriptive studies and translation Translation methods, strategies, techniques Audiovisual Translation and NationalismNeutral SpanishProfessional ethics and associationism

He has a degree in English Philology by the Universitat de València (2012). He has the Master’s degree in Profesor en Educación Secundaria and the Master’s degree in Traducción Creativa y Humanística. Currently he is enrolled in the Doctorate programme in Lenguas, Literaturas, Culturas y sus Aplicaciones. For the past few years he has been collaborator in the cinematographical journal L’Atalante. Revista de estudios cinematográficos and in the Faculty of Medicine as teacher of conversational English for prefessors and translator of medical texts. .
His research is focused on the linguistic, translational and cultural analysis of the comics and cinema, as well as the translation and terminology of medical/scientific texts.
Research Lines
Linguistic, translational and cultural analysis of comics and movies Translation and terminology of texts of scientific/medical nature Reception factors of comics and movies

Elisabet Pérez Heredia holds a BA in Modern Languages and their Literatures, with a major in German and a minor in English, from the Universitat de València (2019). At the same university she also studied a Master’s degree in Creative and Humanistic Translation (2023), focusing on Literary Translation.
She is currently working on her doctoral thesis, while enrolled in the PhD programme in Language, Literature, Culture and its Applications at the Universitat de València, under the supervision of Dr. Gora Zaragoza Ninet. Her main lines of research are feminist translation and the translation of Anglophone women authors from the first half of the 20th century.
Research Lines
Feminist translation Literary translation Gender and translation Translation and censorship
External Collaborators
Sandra López Rocha is Teaching Fellow in the School of Modern Languages at the University of Bristol in the UK. As a Fullbright Scholar, she completed an MA in Intercultural Communication at UMBC (University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1997). She later obtained a PhD in Language, Literacy and Culture (UMBC, 2002), followed by a PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Bristol (2010). Her research, involving the intersection of various fields, has allowed her to further explore aspects encompassing sociolinguistics and cultural identity, ethnography of communication, and intercultural communication. Her research has been disseminated through participation in conferences and in publications primarily focused on ethnographic studies (virtual and face-to-face) on the (re)construction of ethnic identity among Spanish-speaking subgroups, intercultural adaptation among diverse groups, and the development of intercultural communicative competence. Her most recent works include Stress and Acculturation in The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society (Ed. W. C. Cockerham, R. Dingwall, and S. R. Quah, 2014) and a chapter on Intercultural Communication Discourse, co-written with E. Guerrero, in The Routledge Handbook of Hispanic Applied Linguistics (Ed. M. Lacorte, 2014).
Research Lines
Sociolinguistics: Language maintentance and change Ethnic identity Migrant intercultural adaptation Intercultural Communicative Competence

Frederic Chaume is a Professor of Audiovisual Translation at the Universitat Jaume I (Castelló, Spain), where he teaches audiovisual translation theory, dubbing and subtitling, and Honorary Professor at Imperial College London (UK). He has also taught regularly at the universities of Roehampton (London), Las Palmas, Malaga, Granada and Seville (Spain). He is author of the books Doblatge i subtitulació per a la TV (Eumo, 2003), Cine y Traducción (Cátedra, 2004), Teories actuals de la traducció (with Cristina García de Toro; Bromera, 2010) and Audiovisual Translation: Dubbing (St Jerome, in preparation). He is also author of the entry “Screen translation: dubbing” in the Elsevier Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics 2nd Edition. He has published several research articles on dubbing and audiovisual translation, as well as on dubbese, professional issues and didactics of audiovisual translation. He has co-edited a number of Perspectives: Studies in Translatology (1999,7:2), devoted to Hispanic Translation Studies, and has also co-edited two collective volumes on audiovisual translation (La traducción en los medios audiovisuales, and La traducción audiovisual: investigación, enseñanza y profesión). For the past 20 years he has also been working as a professional translator for different dubbing and subtitling companies.
Research Lines
Not available yet
Estefanía Giménez Casset is a Public Translator (Universidad del Salvador, Argentina, 2004). She is a member of the CTPCBA (Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires) since 2005 and has spent the last 10 years translating and adapting audiovisual materials for the Latin American industry. She is a member of the Comisión de Artes Audiovisuales, an internal work committee belonging to the CTPCBA that focuses on providing tools and means of specialization for the Argentinian audiovisual translator, and ultimately fighting for better working conditions. She holds a postgraduate degree on Spanish proofreading and editing for translators obtained at Fundación Litterae (Argentina, 2009) and a Master’s degree on Translation from the Universitat de València. She is also a member of the independent research team ETEP (Translation Studies on Eroticism and Pornography).
Research Lines
Neutral Spanish and treatment of colloquialisms and regional and vulgar terminology in Latin American AVT Neutralization vs. regional translation Creation of new means of communication between the professional and academic worldsImplementation of new processes and technologies for the accessibility to audiovisual materials in Latin America

Ana Muñoz Miquel holds a BA in Translation and Interpreting from the Universidad Miguel Hernández, and a MA in Medical and Healthcare Translation from the Universitat Jaume I. In 2014 she received her Ph.D in medical translation from the Universitat Jaume I, after working as a full-time research and teaching fellow in the Translation and Communication Department. In 2014 she was awarded the Best Doctoral Dissertation Award from the Iberian Association for Translation and Interpreting Studies, and in 2016, the Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the Universitat Jaume I.
She has worked as a freelance translator, and she has taught translation and language for specific purposes, both at the graduate and master’s degree level. She has also worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Gentt research group from the Universitat Jaume I.
Today, she is a lecturer in Translation Studies in the Language Theory and Communication Sciences Department at the Universitat de València.
Research Lines
Medical translation Translation training Communication aimed at patients
Arturo Vázquez Rodríguez holds a degree in English Studies and a minor in French language from the Universitat de València (2013). In 2014, he completed a Master’s Degree in Creative and Humanistic Translation in the same university. The next year, he enrolled in a PhD program called Languages, literatures and cultures and their applications from the Universitat de València. In 2018, he obtained his PhD with the thesis El error de traducción en la localización de videojuegos: estudio comparativo y descriptivo entre videojuegos indie y no indie (Translation errors in video games: comparative and descriptive study between indie and non indie video games) directed by Dr. Juan José Martínez Sierra.
Nowadays, Arturo works as a localization engineer for a multinational company based in Madrid that develops software for translators and offers translation services.
Research Lines
Video game localization Translation errors analysis Foreignization and domestication in video game translation